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Really captures the difficulty of talking to people in real life.

(For a real review, the game has a great artstyle and writing, and an interesting system of gameplay that slowly feeds the player new complexities over time. Would definitely recommend giving this a try)


This is looking like my favorite game of 2020, absolutely an all-time great. Gorgeous aesthetic, fantastic writing, a novel and super interesting core mechanic that's surprising, challenging, and emotionally charged right up to the end. I love this game!


This game is trully amazing. The mechanics are so well integrated with the story that i always feel that i'm engaged in a true conversation about past times, free will and sorrow, creating a community or rebuilding it from the ashes.

Is amazing how the traveling and the deck building mechanics synergize to bring a message of self change, experience, adaptation, but also of connection and empathy.

I enjoyed all the way, and i can't wait fotr your next game!


This game is fantastic! Lovely art, great soundtrack, and a very engaging story that is very well tied into the mechanics. Easy to get hooked into it.


This is such a lovely little game!! It is relaxing but still has narrative stakes and it's very easy to get attached to the characters. Would definitely recommend! My only complaint is, as a few people have said, a lack of ending galleries. It would have more replayability if I knew how many endings there were!

Absolutely LOVED this game. The artwork is beautiful and the game mechanics is unique. So underrated. 


P.S. I would LOVE some kind of endings gallery for the ones I've unlocked

What a lovely game! Travel the land, talk to new people. You won't get along with everyone, but that's not unheard of!


This game is absolutely amazing! Though if I could add one thing it's that maybe after you've completed it a few times you can keep your deck, it would make it easier to unlock all the endings. But absolutely love it and it has such heartfelt dialogue! 


Really love this game, some of the best and most lively NPC dialog, easy to get invested in the characters


This game is so charming! I love the artwork and color palette, and the story and mechanics are so unique. The conversation mechanic is the most interesting thing to me; the farther you travel from home and try to get along with strangers the harder it is to connect to the people close to your city, though if you don't leave home you have no chance to save your mom's store. You guys have done a fantastic job!


Loving the game. However, I’m changing computers: any idea where the saves are from Mac to Windows? (are they compatible?)


This is one of the best and most intelligents and warm hearted games I've played in years. Thanks a lot, really. I don't know you, but I love you people. <3fromSpain


I loved this game! The art is charming, there's just the right dialogue/gameplay ratio to my taste, and the mechanics are very smoothly introduced; I didn't feel either lost or overloaded with information.

Most of all, I think the mechanic is fabulous. Not only is it fun in its own right, it does a great job of creating a real sense of conversational dynamics despite its simplicity. And I love the warnings about how you can't get along with everyone, and how that ends up being true in practice because of deck limitations.

The characters are so good, too! The dialogue, character design, and mechanics combine to evoke a strong sense of identity for each one, and I found myself very fond of all of them. I'm going to want to re-play the game just to get to know more of them.

(1 edit) (+5)

I stumbled across this game as part of the Racial Justice bundle, and I'm glad I did. 

This game is conceptually really interesting. You start out in your familiar small town, with familiar customs, and you can easily converse with people you've known your whole life. As you wander farther, customs start to change, but there's enough similarities that you can still bridge the culture gap with a bit of effort. However, if you don't pick up on local customs, you'll soon find yourself unable to communicate at all. As you make your way back home, you have to re-acclimate yourself or you'll find that you've changed so much you don't know how to talk to the people you grew up with.

I really wanted to see a full-color portrait of the main character. Do they have cat-ears or is it just a hood? The world may never know.


I don't usually write comments, but I think I should probably change that, and your game seems like the perfect starting point. It really is something special.

Kudos too for adding it to the bundle despite it being so recent.


I can not praise this game highly enough. The art style and music made it extremely immersive and the deck building mechanic was fun as well as challenging. Honestly the bundle would have been worth it for this game alone.


Lovely game! Picked it up with the bundle and been enjoying it immensely.


I typically struggle with card games and was worried that Signs of the Sojourner  would be complicated but it proved me wrong and incorporated a simple card system that was a delight to play with. 5/5 game, the storyline, graphics, and overall gameplay was incredible!

(1 edit) (+1)

The concept of this game is super neat, and the characters are all very lovable. It's also more challenging than I thought it'd be! I'm going to have to replay this a few more times to get better at it for the other endings, but it breaks my heart to stray from Elias.


aaaa so good! still getting through all the endings. personally i think it'd be cool to have some sort of log of the endings you've gotten.. but hey, guess i have screenshots.

man that klaus ending. love her


Loved the game. Using cards for conversations is a v good idea! The characters are unique and I really wanted to learn more about all of them. There’s a lot going on and I feel sad that I can’t explore it all in one go, haha! I was upset when I couldn’t connect with one of my favorite characters because I had too much fatigue... I’ll definitely give it another go later. 


I am LOVING this game so much! I have started it for the third time and this made me put forth this request: could the initial tutorial section be skippable if you have already finished the game once? This is something I see myself playing multiple times, and it would be great to see some "NG+" type of thing, either by keeping some information across playthroughs or just this ability to skip the initial section!


I love this game- found it while scrolling through 25 pages of games from the charity bundle and I'm really glad I got to play this! One thing- I really, really wish I knew how many days it takes to travel between towns! (Like - "estimated arrival June 8th" before clicking confirm). 
The feeling of changing, getting new cards and exploring new towns- but fearing that I'll lose the ability to relate to my best friend at home when my "O" shape cards dwindle.... really unique. You truly can't always please everyone. I'll replay this more than once.


I think you see the estimated arrival day colored on the top left corner, but I agree that it could be clearer!

(1 edit) (+1)

You can! If you count the colored squares along your path between the two towns, that's the number of days it'll take. Fatigue happens on the black squares.


hi, i was wondering if there's going to be a full release of this game on itch or if it's only going to be on steam? thanks :)


We're planning to release on both itch and steam! 

oh sweet!! thanks!!


sots has been really intruiging so far, i really like it!!  I like the characters' personalities and designs, and what their game-play reveals about them. all the card variations and meanings are fun to think about, thanks for adding some explanations and symbolism about the cards on indiegogo. im eager to play the full game upon it's arrival, good luck and thank you for making it <3


So glad to hear you're enjoying it!


I've played this demo with my family and loved it! Definitely adding it to my Steam wishlist.

I did manage to break the game at one point tho. While playing with Thunder, I only played fatigue cards and at the end of the round the game sort-of froze and I couldn't do anything at all. Hopefully that won't be too hard to fix. Good Luck on your game! 

Thank you for the info, we will look into it! Glad you enjoyed it!


This is lovely

Any chance you might be able to put out a Linux build of the demo? This sounds like very much the kind of game I'd like to try, and I probably will, but having to get wine happy again significantly increases friction.

Unfortunately we're not currently planning to support Linux, sorry!

Just in case it helps anyone, I installed the windows version of the itch client with Lutris and the game runs flawlessly


Cool concept and some lovely artwork. Good luck with the Indiegogo campaign! :)

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